Donnerstag, 19. September 2013

Day 3

Day 3: what you think your reason for being here is

Well normally I would say that's easy-because two people made love and I would guess you know the rest. But I don't think that is the real, or better, the only reason. One the one side there is also God and because I believe in God, I also believe that in one way or another he is a reason why I excist today.
And than I think that every person is meant to change something. In my particular situation I don't think I am gonna change the world or stuff like that, that wouldn't be realistic. But I do believe that everybody is changing the life of at least one other person and most of the time the lives of quit a few people. That doesn't always have to be in a good way. However, if I think about it it makes a lot of sense. I mean there are already so many people who have influenced my life in the good and bad. And I am thankful for both, because without them I wouldn't be the person I am today. So when I think about the reason why I am here I think and hope that its because I am meant to change something, someone's life. And of course I hope just for the good. :)
I could list so many people right now who I truly believe of that I was the reason they are in this world. I mean not just because of me, but parts of it. They are here to influence my life. So I am here to influence theirs. I influence the lives of my friends and family, my boyfriend, people in school. I am here to be there for them. I have always thought of me as a person who puts others first. So I am here to always have an open ear and a shoulder to cry on. To always put a smile on their face and to give them a hug whenever they need it. So I would say that's pretty much why I excist and I just hope its true the way I think and I believe in what I just wrote...

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