Dienstag, 17. September 2013

Day 1

Day 1: hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days with a picture of yourself

Well I guess there is a lot I could talk about to this topic, but let's keep it a little short. My hopes for the next year are that I get my life straight, find out what I wanna do, where I wanna go. It kind of goes together with my dreams I would say. I have a dream that I will finally find out who I want to be in my life. My plans are to go back to America to see my friends and "family" over there and to do a good job in school.. But there is more to it than just these few things, it goes deeper with my thoughts. But the problem about this is, that I don't really know myself what my hopes, dreams and plans are hahaha.. I guess that is something else I should figure out. 

Oh and I have to put a picture of myself to this text. 
This is a picture of my favorite Vietnamese girly and me, she is one of the most important people in my life and she is very much included in my hopes, dreams and plans. I want to see her as soon as possible and she is influencing me with her opinion about myself and what I do a lot. <3

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